Born A Viking Litter
Our Kennel Club granted our names, introducing/statistics:
- Immermoed Björn Ironside correct
- Immermoed Ragnar Lothbrok correct - blocktail
- Immermoed Halfdan the Black correct
- Immermoed King Horek correct
- Immermoed Erik the Red correct - blocktail
- Immermoed Harald Finehair kinked tail
- Immermoed Shieldmaiden Torvi correct
- Immermoed Princess Katia correct
- Immermoed Princess Gisla correct
- Immermoed Freydis Eriksdotter correct
- Immermoed Queen Aslaug kinked tail
All puppies have found their forever homes
For summer 2022 we expect our B-Litter with Halla. They are due around 25th of May.
Her heat started a little bit earlier than expected. Last weekend of March we visited our Norwegian friends at Ridgedogs Kennel, Ann Kristin and Kristina Wien Stubberud in Gran. There we met them and their handsome boy Ridgedogs True Love Hugo.
Halla and Hugo liked each other right away. Hugo is a social stable boy with good substantial bone, nice round eyes, nice mask, nice forechest and depth of chest, good angulations and strong catfeet and nice long tail. He loves to work with you and even likes to do fun sports like agility. On walks he gets his own backpack and inside the house he is very calm and sweet.
We hope out of the combination of Hugo and Halla to get puppies with good substantial bone, strong but social (working) temperament.

CH, jCH N'Gai Zamu Excellency Javelin 'Halla' & N UCH, S UCH Ridgedogs True Love 'Hugo' - 25 & 26 March 2022
Pedigree offspring
Information on Halla & Hugo

Dam: JW'18, W'18, jCH, CH N'Gai Zamu Excellency
(C.I.B Mafinga Hombarume x Of Golden Gate Highlands Be Forever)
Dutch Champion
Dutch Junior Champion
Crufts Qualification'19
RRCN Speciality BOS junior'19
BOB Amsterdam Winner'18
Amsterdam Winner'18
Amsterdam Junior Winner'18
World Dog Show BOS baby'18
Candidate Dutch Champion
Candidate German Champion
Candidate E.L.S.A clubchampion
HD: A - ED: free - OCD shouders: free
Height: 66cm - Weight: 40 kg
L7 normal, no spondylosis
Complete dentition, scissor bite
EOAD: High Confidence Clear
Hemophylia A&B: N/N
Glaucoma (POAG): N/N
Dilute: D/D
Brown: B/B
Ridge: R/R
Heart ultrasound & Holter test: clear
Sire: NUCH, SUCH Ridgedogs True Love Hugo
(Saimon's Praide Never Give Up x NUCH Ridgedogs Made With Love Adele)
Swedish Champion Norwegian Champion Candidate International Champion
HD: B - ED: free
Height: 69 cm - Weight 50 kg
Complete dentition, scissor bite
EOAD: High Confidence Clear
Hemophylia A&B: N/N
Dilute: D/D
Brown: B/b
Ridge: R/R